The final assignment gives you a chance to apply all the things you learned in the course. We will begin working on the assignment around the 11th class of the semester. The project will build over the following eight weeks, culminating in a story due on the date of the final.

It will be an original explanatory story driven by questions you have while looking at political campaign and other related data. All together the work you do toward your final project will be 40% of your course grade.

Component Percentage of your course grade Due date
Data analysis 20% March 30
Draft 15% April 22
Final 15% Date of final exam

The final story will be about 2,000 written words and it will have have these sections:

Final Deliverables

Your final story will be one of several elements uploaded to Github. In the last week of class you will learn how to publish your work on Github. Your final Github “repository” will include:

Detailed Work Plan

Starting in Week 7, we will begin working with campaign finance data. We will be working with a certain set of data in class, but you will be given another contest to analyze for your final project. You will eventually be paired with another student doing the other candidate in the race.

From Feb. 17 - March 25 we will learn the skills needed to complete the data analysis that is due March 30.

From April 3 - April 22 you will be focused on adding the how, why, so what to your analysis and synthesizing it all into a draft of your final written story.

From April 25 until the date of your final you will use my feedback on your draft to put the finishing touches on your final project.

Grading of final project

The final project will be worth 20 points, allocated as follows:

You may also have points deducated, as follows:

And, you can earn some extra credit points:

Grade breaks

A: 17-20 points

B: 12-16 points

C: 9-11 points

D: 5-8 points

F: < 5 points