For the analysis, you just have to answer the questions I give you. Plus have a reporting question or hypothesis you will use for your story. Plus a visualization.
Standard assignment
- Contributions to a candidate
10% bonus
Candidate votes by precinct, most recent election only
Voter demographics by precinct, current only (ncvoter)
20% bonus
Voter participation, by precinct and demographics (current precincts only. ncvoter + ncvhis)
Candidate votes by precinct, back to 2010
Change in voter registration, by precinct and demographics (using historic snapshots)
Analysis questions
- Students
doing the standard analysis must fill out the values in the attached analysis answer template. This will be worth 60 points.
(Students working on one of the bonus assignments will work with me to develop similar questions appropriate for their chosen difficulty level.)
All students must also come up with one answer to a “reporting question” of their own choice that they will persue as the primary reporting question for their final story assignment. (20 points)
Finally, all students must also include one exploratory visualization of the aspect you think is most interesting. It does not have to be production quality, but it must be clear, correct and appropriate for the type of data being displayed. (20 points)
Steps to Completion:
- Create a new RStudio project in a new directory on your computer. Call it “[Lastname]-final”.
- Create a new R Markdown file. Call it “[lastname]-final.Rmd”. Do all of your work in this markdown file. All requirements for this assignment must be in this file.
- When done, compress the directory you created in Step 1. It must contain the .Rmd file you created in step 2 and the .Rdata file that contains all dataframes you loaded or created during your work.
- Upload that compressed file to the assignment on Sakai.