What to submit?

At the end of this assignment, I need you to take these screenshots of your computer and upload them to the HW1 assignment on Sakai:

Download and install Firefox web browser

Yes, I know you already have a web browser on your computer. If you’re anything like the rest of America, there’s a 65% chance the primary web browser you use is Chrome. If you have a Mac, you have Safari and you may use that, too. But the browser I support for this class is called Firefox. I like it because it is free and open sourced software developed by the non-profit Mozilla organization that does a lot of good work to protect privacy, keep the web open and support journalists.

Feel free to use any browser you like. But just know that they all behave a little differently and Firefox is the only one I can help you troubleshoot.

Setting up your computer

Downloading R and RStudio

Download OpenRefine

Download and install Tabula

Git and GitHub